Jon Paget's Cool Links Page

Hello and Welcome to my links page. There are links to studio equipment manufacturers, amps, etc. There are also links to sites of musicians and bands that inspire me.

Oh, Yea... also some sites which have personal relevance or satisfy my cynical needs...

Remember that both Audioize CDs are now available as high ' quality MP3 and FLAC downloads at

I would like to also thank Steve Bauer for playing my music, as well as those who inspire musicians like me, from Chris Poland and OHM to Michael Landau and beyond. "Metal with Steve Bauer" airs Wednesdays from 10:00 PM 'till midnight EST in Rochester NY, 88.5 WRUR. If you're not in NY, listen online at

Jon Paget

Jon Paget uses and recommends equipment from the following:

Orange Amps

Jon just LOVES his AD30 and is after a Rockerverb 50!

Audioize shows will now feature Orange 1x12 cabs that sound awesome!
Extra Special thanks to Alex at Orange for the endorsement!!!


Speakers are CRUCIAL to your sound.

The Orange cabs Jon uses for his Audioize shows are loaded with Eminence!

Mesa Boogie Amps

Triaxis, Stereo Simuclass 2:90, Studio Pre and one of the first 200 Strategy 400's made!

Clayton Picks

Reliant on the Steve Clayton USA 1.52mm Teardrop. Thanks for giving me plenty!

Jim Dunlop




"Some of my favorite bands and musicians"

Michael Schenker

Ritchie Blackmore

Chris Poland

Shawn Lane

Ted May
(bassist extraordinaire)

Jason Macedo


Akira Takasaki

Dream Theater


Political Passions

Read anything (or everything) you can from Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn!

Why We Fight

The award winning Sundance Film Festival documentary

The End of Suburbia

(for the world's SUV driving lemmings)

A note to America - ignorance and arrogance are NOT a good mix.


Adventure 16

And the "antics" of humans

The Darwin Awards

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©Wednesday's Child Music